The minimum sum of money transfer via RIA Envia is not limited. Minimum - 1 U.S. dollar, the maximum transfer amount - U.S. $ 10 000. If during the week you won't visit the bank and won't take money, sent via RIA Money Transfer, put the sender aware of this and he will be able to instantly withdraw money back. General conditions of remittances via RIA Money Transfer: the remittance fee is paid by the sender only, the payment of the transfer is free of charge. Originally Ria Money Transfer was servicing Latin American diaspora in the U.S. (hence the name). RIA Money Transfer is operating in the sector of remittances since 1987, when it started to carry out money transfers from the U.S. to Latin America. The strategy of RIA Money Transfers was aimed on developing of a system of international money transfers, insuring and helping migrant workers to transfer money home. The main advantage of the money trtansfer system RIA Envia are moderate client fees and extremely wide geography of a offices. RIA Money Transfer (RIA Envia) is the American system of money remittances, it is very democratic and intended only for international money transfers.