Xpress Money started its activity with the only purpose of supporting of growing community of expatriates so that it softened the stress associated with life away from home and family. The goal has found concrete form in a simple, convenient and reliable way to send money back home to their families. UNIStream completes integration with Xpress Money Services. Vinesh Venugopal Nair, marketing director of Xpress Money, said: "We not only help our clients to maintain contact with their families, but also become a part of life of communities that serve. We are actively supporting people in need around the world." For transferring money via Xpress Money a client doesnt have to open a bank account, only to produce proof of identity to the agent: driving license of international standard or passport or other identity. It was announced and that the the club card Xpress Money Priceless, which was successfully introduced into circulation in the UAE earlier this year, will now run throughout the Cooperation Council for the Gulf States in the deployment of this program in 2012. The procedure of receiving and payment of Xpress Money transfers eliminates the need for filling in paper forms. Advantages of the "Xpress Money": a minimum of documents - identification document (the original). Advantages of the "Xpress Money": express - transfers are carried out without opening a bank account. 11 May 2012 Xpress Money has organized an environmental clean-up expedition to the worlds highest mountain - Everest. Services of Unistream will be fully available in more than 13 thousand service points of Xpress Money service worldwide, and customers of the English system will be serviced in Unistream.