Today the company is "Xpress Money Ltd", registered in 1999 in London, is one of the largest in the Middle East. Speaking of the key points, COO Y. Sudhir Kumar Shetty said: "We started with a simple model of" cash-cash "and now Xpress Money has a whole range of products, taking into account the diverse needs of our clients". Advantages of the "Xpress Money": high speed - Transfer funds for one minute. Xpress Money is an Authorized Payment Institution (API), operating on the basis of a license of the Financial Regulation and Supervision (FSA). Xpress Money offers its customers fast, reliable and affordable way to transfer money around the world. International money transfer system Unistream and the British system Xpress Money Services Ltd have completed the entire complex of works on the partnership agreement. Xpress Money makes the best offer to its partners-agents. Reasonable price, easy to use systems and global presence provide the opportunity to build businesses and increase profits by offering Xpress Money services.