Money transfers by RIA Envia are carried out in over 110 thousands of RIA Envia agents in more than 130 countries all over the world. How to obtain the remittance via RIA Money Transfer - check with the sender's number and amount of payment. RIA Envia is occupied with money transfers since 1987 and its main office is located in New York. Wired money transfer is available to the recipient as soon as from the main office of Ria Money Transfer comes a special order for the payment of money, and it usually takes only few minutes. In 2012 RIA launches allowing consumers to send money transfers online from the US and opens its hub in Santiago de Chile. Rates RIA Money Transfer. Cost of service is 2%-3% from the transfer amount. RIA Money Transfer (RIA Envia) is the American system of money remittances, it is very democratic and intended only for international money transfers.