General conditions of remittances via RIA Money Transfer: payment is carried out in cash, euros and U.S. dollars. Originally Ria Money Transfer was servicing Latin American diaspora in the U.S. (hence the name). RIA Money Transfers - the third largest provider on the world market of money remittances for people. All money transfers to the addressee are carried out in real time mode (on-line). General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: to carry out operations in the system of RIA Money Transfers neither the sender nor the recipient does not need the bank accounts at the bank. RIA Financial Services Company is a part of Euronet group and has a network of more than 100,000 agent locations in 120 countries across Europe, America, Asia and Africa. RIA was founded in 1987 and it is today is one of the largest money transfer company in the world, with a global agent network. The main advantage of the money trtansfer system RIA Envia are moderate client fees and extremely wide geography of a offices. How to obtain the remittance via RIA Money Transfer - please contact your nearest agent network system. Ria MoneyTransfer agent network includes over 10,000 branches in 74 countries, among which are almost all major countries from Europe (except Belgium), and America.