U.S. dollars and euros are the main currencies of money transfers, carried out by the system of RIA Envia. RIA Money Transfers - the third largest provider on the world market of money remittances for people. The strategy of RIA Money Transfers was aimed on developing of a system of international money transfers, insuring and helping migrant workers to transfer money home. How to obtain the remittance via RIA Money Transfer - check with the sender's number and amount of payment. Fee for sending of the transfer via RIA Money Transfer will be charged at a rate from 2.5 to 4% of the amount transferred. At the very beginning RIA Money transfers was aimed to provide services of money remittances to the guest workers, which came to work from abroad. Rates RIA Money Transfer. Cost of service is 2%-3% from the transfer amount. RIA Money Transfer (RIA Envia) is the American system of money remittances, it is very democratic and intended only for international money transfers.