Money transfer agent locations

General conditions of remittances via RIA Money Transfer: the remittance fee is paid by the sender only, the payment of the transfer is free of charge. When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free. RIA Envia is planning to develop its wired transfer service between the CIS countries (already connected to the bank systems of several countries). But for the present in these countries bank clients can only receive money transfers, sent from abroad via RIA Money Transfer. General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: to carry out operations in the system of RIA Money Transfers neither the sender nor the recipient does not need the bank accounts at the bank. General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: if the sending or payment of the transfer is carried out with the opening of the current account, the customer account is opened for free. RIA Money Transfer Service is going to expand its network to the CIS countries. Fee for sending of the transfer via RIA Money Transfer will be charged at a rate from 2.5 to 4% of the amount transferred. The main advantage of the money trtansfer system RIA Envia are moderate client fees and extremely wide geography of a offices. RIA Money Transfer system does not require to declare the purpose of your money remittance.

Ria money transfer store locator CALIMESA - USA

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When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free. General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: to carry out operations in the system of RIA Money Transfers neither the sender nor the recipient does not need the bank accounts at the bank.

Send money

If during the week you won't visit the bank and won't take money, sent via RIA Money Transfer, put the sender aware of this and he will be able to instantly withdraw money back. When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free. How to obtain the remittance via RIA Money Transfer - check with the sender's number and amount of payment. RIA Financial Services Company is a part of Euronet group and has a network of more than 100,000 agent locations in 120 countries across Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The number of affiliates of RIA Money Transfer is constantly growing. For the current moment the company has more than 400 international partners. At the very beginning RIA Money transfers was aimed to provide services of money remittances to the guest workers, which came to work from abroad. In order send or receive wired money transfer via RIA Money Transfers neither the recipient nor the sender doesn't have to have any bank accounts. Commission for the wired money money transfer is charged only from the sender, the recipient only gets money in one of the RIA Envia agent offices. Rates RIA Money Transfer. Cost of service is 2%-3% from the transfer amount.