If during the week you won't visit the bank and won't take money, sent via RIA Money Transfer, put the sender aware of this and he will be able to instantly withdraw money back. Ria MoneyTransfer agent network includes over 10,000 branches in 74 countries, among which are almost all major countries from Europe (except Belgium), and America. If the sender wishes, the unpaid money transfer will remain in the system for another week. Ria Money Transfers provides money transfer services since 1987 and at the beginning of its activity the company specialized in servicing of the Hispanic community, which lived in the U.S. The strategy of RIA Money Transfers was aimed on developing of a system of international money transfers, insuring and helping migrant workers to transfer money home. RIA Financial Services Company is a part of Euronet group and has a network of more than 100,000 agent locations in 120 countries across Europe, America, Asia and Africa. RIA Money Transfer Service is going to expand its network to the CIS countries. The main advantage of the money trtansfer system RIA Envia are moderate client fees and extremely wide geography of a offices. Wired money transfer is available to the recipient as soon as from the main office of Ria Money Transfer comes a special order for the payment of money, and it usually takes only few minutes.