If during the week you won't visit the bank and won't take money, sent via RIA Money Transfer, put the sender aware of this and he will be able to instantly withdraw money back. RIA Money Transfers - the third largest provider on the world market of money remittances for people. Money transfers by RIA Envia are carried out in over 110 thousands of RIA Envia agents in more than 130 countries all over the world. All money transfers to the addressee are carried out in real time mode (on-line). General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: if the sending or payment of the transfer is carried out with the opening of the current account, the customer account is opened for free. Wired money transfer is available to the recipient as soon as from the main office of Ria Money Transfer comes a special order for the payment of money, and it usually takes only few minutes. The system of RIA Money Transfer works according according to the principles "speed, reliability and accuracy" in the implementation of money transfers.