Money transfer agent locations

How to make money transfer using RIA Money Transfer - receive registration number of the transfer and receipt. General conditions of remittances via RIA Money Transfer: payment is carried out in cash, euros and U.S. dollars. RIA Money Transfer is operating in the sector of remittances since 1987, when it started to carry out money transfers from the U.S. to Latin America. RIA Financial Services Company is a part of Euronet group and has a network of more than 100,000 agent locations in 120 countries across Europe, America, Asia and Africa. RIA Envia is occupied with money transfers since 1987 and its main office is located in New York. RIA Money Transfer Service is going to expand its network to the CIS countries. At the very beginning RIA Money transfers was aimed to provide services of money remittances to the guest workers, which came to work from abroad.

BANK CENTERCREDIT, Branch N 10 13 A, Kurmangazy street, Ria money transfer Location Atyrau, Kazakhstan

Name BANK CENTERCREDIT, Branch N 10 13 A, Kurmangazy street, Atyrau
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