General conditions of remittances via RIA Money Transfer: the remittance fee is paid by the sender only, the payment of the transfer is free of charge. Ria MoneyTransfer agent network includes over 10,000 branches in 74 countries, among which are almost all major countries from Europe (except Belgium), and America. When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free. When sending money, a client has to take into account transfer time to the point of transfer payment and in general the difference in time on different continents. General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: to carry out operations in the system of RIA Money Transfers neither the sender nor the recipient does not need the bank accounts at the bank. RIA Envia is occupied with money transfers since 1987 and its main office is located in New York. The main advantage of the money trtansfer system RIA Envia are moderate client fees and extremely wide geography of a offices. Use the service of international money transfers RIA Money Transfers - one of the world's leading money transfer system for individuals.
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Ria MoneyTransfer agent network includes over 10,000 branches in 74 countries, among which are almost all major countries from Europe (except Belgium), and America. When sending money, a client has to take into account transfer time to the point of transfer payment and in general the difference in time on different continents.
U.S. dollars and euros are the main currencies of money transfers, carried out by the system of RIA Envia. Ria Money Transfers provides money transfer services since 1987 and at the beginning of its activity the company specialized in servicing of the Hispanic community, which lived in the U.S. General conditions the transfer via RIA Money Transfer: if the sending or payment of the transfer is carried out with the opening of the current account, the customer account is opened for free. The company RIA Envia is a member of Euronet financial group and has a wide network of agents and branches in Europe and North and Latin America. How to make money transfer using RIA Money Transfer - tell a number of transfer to the recipient and within 10 minutes it will be possible to get money.