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Membership in the credit union is voluntary and is open to all citizens bound by with joint work or residence, who wished to create a credit union to use its services and are willing to take on relevant commitments and responsibilities. Credit unions encourage savings of citizens, setting compensation payments (interest) on savings and provide from these savings loans to their members. The number of shareholders of a credit union is limited and formalized by a list. Limit of the number is defined by the assembly and such assembly establishes the charter. First Credit Union was savings unprofitable institution, or rather credit cooperative, providing services to its members. At the organization of the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. Unlike banks, in order to use the services of a credit union, you have to become its member, having written an application and having paid thus shares and membership fee.

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The number of shareholders of a credit union is limited and formalized by a list. Limit of the number is defined by the assembly and such assembly establishes the charter. First Credit Union was savings unprofitable institution, or rather credit cooperative, providing services to its members. Credit unions encourage savings of citizens, setting compensation payments (interest) on savings and provide from these savings loans to their members.

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The difference between credit unions and banks is clearly is apparent when comparing the structure of assets and liabilities of credit unions and banks. Members of credit unions place in credit unions usually free fund balances, ie those that remain after expenses devoted to education of children, the acquisition of new properties, additional pension benefits, etc. Share contributions are transferred to the credit union on the basis of membership for the whole stay of a shareholder as member of the credit union and are the basis of membership. Until the 70's there was a proliferation of the U.S. credit unions due to the increase of their number and the number of shareholders, although it must be acknowledged that there was also and a qualitative growth. Important specifics of creating a credit union - an initiative order of organization: people do not receive any instructions, orders or regulations, the unification into a credit union occurs by their will and decision. In the UK, credit unions are a source of financing of people groups. This tool is not widely used. Credit unions base their activities on savings of shareholders, their shares and savings contributions, which make up the fund of mutual financial assistance - a source of cash loans to shareholders.