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Like any financial institution, credit unions have the financial resources. In recent decades, many credit unions began to resort to such form of service as Income received by the credit union shall be distributed among the shareholders or spent for the depreciation of services, that is, are the most effective means of meeting the needs of shareholders. Credit union services are available only to its shareholders. Members of credit unions place in credit unions usually free fund balances, ie those that remain after expenses devoted to education of children, the acquisition of new properties, additional pension benefits, etc. Until the 70's there was a proliferation of the U.S. credit unions due to the increase of their number and the number of shareholders, although it must be acknowledged that there was also and a qualitative growth. In some cases, the initiators of credit unions can be trade unions, associations such as social support centers and others. Credit unions are financial institutions, financial cooperatives of citizens, and in this capacity they are above all associations of people, not unification of capitals, which is typical, for example, for public companies. The right to use the services of the credit union have only its members. Credit Union - one of the most attractive financial institutions for the public being a non-profit alternative to banks.

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Income received by the credit union shall be distributed among the shareholders or spent for the depreciation of services, that is, are the most effective means of meeting the needs of shareholders. Credit union services are available only to its shareholders. In recent decades, many credit unions began to resort to such form of service as

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Membership in the credit union is voluntary and is open to all citizens bound by with joint work or residence, who wished to create a credit union to use its services and are willing to take on relevant commitments and responsibilities. The number of shareholders of a credit union is limited and formalized by a list. Limit of the number is defined by the assembly and such assembly establishes the charter. Cooperation between credit unions, how they would not have been named, took place always, from the moment when the movement moved outside one credit union. Shareholders in corporate organizations are basic credit unions, besides the same union can be a shareholder of several corporate organizations. On the consumer credit market in the U.S. credit unions are on the third place after the commercial banks and finance companies and are ahead of savings institutions, not taking into account the loans on real estate. Unlike banks credit unions limit their activities to a closed circle of people.