Like any financial institution, credit unions have the financial resources. Specialization of credit unions to provide financial services to its shareholders requires a particularly strict regulation of membership and acceptable activities. At the organization of the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. Credit unions are financial institutions, financial cooperatives of citizens, and in this capacity they are above all associations of people, not unification of capitals, which is typical, for example, for public companies. To increase the number of credit unions in 1979 was adopted the corresponding law that serves as the legal basis of their activity. Worldwide credit union movement is represented by regional confederations and national organizations within the World Council of Credit Unions.
Name | Contacts | Info |
Rector Federal Credit Union |
146 Rector St Philadelphia, PA 19127 | Phone: (610) 293-1058 Routing number: 13713 Charter number: 236084489 |