Like any financial institution, credit unions have the financial resources. In 1908. the spread of credit unions has reached the United States. In 1935 President Roosevelt signed the state Charter on credit unions, which became a law. Most modern credit unions represent specialized consumer cooperatives of citizens associated by the principle of social community: place of work, place of residence, profession, or any other shared interest. The uniqueness of credit unions is that they put together the principles and benefits of financial cooperatives, consumer cooperatives and mutual aid funds, born once by trade unions. Credit union services are available only to its shareholders. Initially, the target groups of credit unions were farmers (Raiffeisen), and now they include both individuals (credit unions), and organizations. The relationship between credit unions and shareholders arise from the membership and are not customer relationship. Credit unions encourage the proper use of shareholders savings, developing social programs (education, health, recreation, housing, etc.). A credit union on its own initiative order is created by citizens (individuals) to solve their financial problems that they could not solve in other financial institutions.