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Credit unions perform the function of social protection in a vital for people sphere of financial services. They care about improving the financial literacy of the population, are working on the formation of their members and their employees. Members of credit unions place in credit unions usually free fund balances, ie those that remain after expenses devoted to education of children, the acquisition of new properties, additional pension benefits, etc. Membership in the credit union forms responsible citizens and conscientious attitude to their obligations as a norm of behavior, identify the value of a decent man's reputation in the business turnover. Credit unions, like today's credit unions, emerged in the 19th century in Germany as a result of crop failure and famine. Standards by which credit unions build their work do not coincide with the standards and regulations of consumer cooperation of the usual type. The right to use the services of the credit union have only its members.

Credit Union Location in Hackensack, New Jersey

Credit Union

Hackensack, New Jersey have 1 agent Credit Union location in your country. All country.

Members of credit unions place in credit unions usually free fund balances, ie those that remain after expenses devoted to education of children, the acquisition of new properties, additional pension benefits, etc. Credit unions, like today's credit unions, emerged in the 19th century in Germany as a result of crop failure and famine.

Agent Contacts
1st Bergen Credit Union, Hackensack 241 Moore Street Hackensack, NJ 07601

Phone: (201) 968-0202
Routing number: 24810

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Today in the UK there are about 700 credit unions with assets exceeding 200 million pounds. Credit unions encourage savings of citizens, setting compensation payments (interest) on savings and provide from these savings loans to their members. The uniqueness of credit unions is that they put together the principles and benefits of financial cooperatives, consumer cooperatives and mutual aid funds, born once by trade unions. National Credit Union Insurance Fund was created by Congress in 1970 to insure deposits of credit union members in the amount of 100 thousand dollars. Shareholders in corporate organizations are basic credit unions, besides the same union can be a shareholder of several corporate organizations.