When organizing the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. Credit union promotes the effective conservation of personal funds of its members, giving them the loans from the funds of the credit union, as well as the sharing of savings in education, housing, health care and other programs of social support and social development of its members. All the members of the credit union, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religious and political beliefs, as well as the size of the monetary share have equal rights. Since the early 80's started the process of consolidation of credit unions, leading to a decrease in their number with a simultaneous increase in the total number of members. International cooperation has been particularly felt since the days when Alphonse Desjardins began the activity on development of credit union movement in North America. As of the January 1, 2012 the national associations and confederations unite more than 196 million members participating in the 51,013 credit unions in 100 countries. Initially, the target groups of credit unions were farmers (Raiffeisen), and now they include both individuals (credit unions), and organizations. Shareholders in corporate organizations are basic credit unions, besides the same union can be a shareholder of several corporate organizations. In the UK, credit unions are a source of financing of people groups. This tool is not widely used. To increase the number of credit unions in 1979 was adopted the corresponding law that serves as the legal basis of their activity.