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To get a loan in the credit union a shareholder must be not only a formally adopted there, but necessary pay in cash contributions, the amount and order of payment of which approved by the General Assembly and fixed by the charter. To date, credit unions - virtually the only form of financial institution where people can quickly and without any problems get a relatively inexpensive cash loan. Credit unions attract people in the first place by the opportunity to get cash loan (credit) - quickly and relatively inexpensively. When organizing the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. Cooperation between credit unions, how they would not have been named, took place always, from the moment when the movement moved outside one credit union. Membership in the credit union forms responsible citizens and conscientious attitude to their obligations as a norm of behavior, identify the value of a decent man's reputation in the business turnover. The value of credit unions is not limited to the role of the economic agent - they are an important element of the social structure and a factor of social stability and progress. Credit unions are financial institutions, financial cooperatives of citizens, and in this capacity they are above all associations of people, not unification of capitals, which is typical, for example, for public companies. Credit unions historically formed as a special form of social support, initially taken upon themselves the social mission of protecting the interests of citizens in the field of financial services.

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Credit unions attract people in the first place by the opportunity to get cash loan (credit) - quickly and relatively inexpensively. When organizing the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. To date, credit unions - virtually the only form of financial institution where people can quickly and without any problems get a relatively inexpensive cash loan.

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Corporate credit unions are united on a cooperative basis in the Central Credit Union (US Central Credit Union). When organizing the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. Typically new members of the credit union become citizens having suretyship or recommendations from their friends - members of the credit union. The main advantage of credit unions consists in transparency, controllability, governance for shareholders. Consumer loan and reliable savings - these are the main goals, which mean "natural persons" having decided to unite in credit consumer cooperative. In the case of default the shareholder - individual will respond with its property and, in addition, is jointly and severally liable with the credit union's commitments. Standards by which credit unions build their work do not coincide with the standards and regulations of consumer cooperation of the usual type.