In recent decades, many credit unions began to resort to such form of service as Like the credit cooperatives, credit unions form associations of a higher level, which are called corporate credit unions. Share contributions are transferred to the credit union on the basis of membership for the whole stay of a shareholder as member of the credit union and are the basis of membership. Credit unions of the open type are still controlled by their members, but at the same time provide services to people who are not its members (external customers). In the credit union compensation for use of the loan (interest) is a source of compensation for savings. Until the mid-XX century, credit unions in the United States had little assets that did not exceed, as a rule, 100 thousand dollars The relationship between credit unions and shareholders arise from the membership and are not customer relationship. Important specifics of creating a credit union - an initiative order of organization: people do not receive any instructions, orders or regulations, the unification into a credit union occurs by their will and decision. Credit Union - a non-profit financial institution specialized in mutual financial assistance by providing savings and credit services to their members.