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The first credit union in the United States was founded in 1909. by the group of Franco-American Catholics in Manchester, New Hampshire, and was called "Cooperative Credit Association of St. Mary. " In recent decades, many credit unions began to resort to such form of service as The economic basis of credit unions - finances of a household. The main objective of the credit union - to ensure financial stability of a household, to ensure the priority of their shareholders' financial interests. Like the credit cooperatives, credit unions form associations of a higher level, which are called corporate credit unions. When organizing the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. At the organization of the credit union it is important that people know each other and know the extent to which each of them is trustworthy. In the credit union compensation for use of the loan (interest) is a source of compensation for savings. U.S. credit unions have another significant difference from the credit cooperatives of farmers: the first have major proportion of short-term loans, the second - long and mostly in real estate. On the consumer credit market in the U.S. credit unions are on the third place after the commercial banks and finance companies and are ahead of savings institutions, not taking into account the loans on real estate. A potential new member of a credit union must submit a recommendation of shareholders in which the referee becomes a warrant of a future member of the credit union.

Merco Credit Union, Credit Union Location Merced, California

Name Contacts Info
Merco Credit Union
1911 M Street Merced, CA 95340 Phone: (209) 723-4285
Routing number: 64766
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