Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. Transfers of Coinstar Money Transfer are lightning fast. Transfer can be claimed from the time when it was given a unique number. System belongs to a very powerful financial corporations Coinstar, which is one of the world's developed processing companies and is engaged in addition to money transfers in travelers checks (Tomas Cook, and VISA), plastic cards, tax refunds and other financial services. The Bank accepts and reviews complaints from customers regarding the services of Coinstar Money Transfer system in an expeditious manner, and on the complaints received in writing, informs the applicant about the decision in accordance with existing regulations. The company BSS together with the Company Coinstar Eurasia announced the establishment of a joint venture BSS Global. Unclaimed for a year Coinstar money transfers are returned to the sender on request. The term of the transfer in the system of Coinstar Money Transfer is 3 - 5 min. On June 1, 2007 the system "Travelex Money Transfer" has been changed its name to "Coinstar Money Transfer".