Money transfer agent locations

Company SoftCase and Coinstar Money Transfer announce a joint venture, which has already started the production of automated banking offices. Coinstar transfers cost in one and a half or two times cheaper than the Westren Union and MoneyGram. Coinstar Money Transfer limits the time during which the recipient must take its money. As a rule, it is about 30-40 days. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: transfer fee - from 2% to 3%. Unclaimed for a year Coinstar money transfers are returned to the sender on request. The term of the transfer in the system of Coinstar Money Transfer is 3 - 5 min.

Bank Pocztowy -74 FiliaUrzedu Pocdztowego Ka, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Mietków, POLAND

Agent Contacts
Bank Pocztowy -74 FiliaUrzedu Pocdztowego Ka, Mietków ul. Kolejowa 27. 55-080 Monday - Friday: 07:05-14:30
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