Money transfer agent locations

Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. Transfers of Coinstar Money Transfer are lightning fast. Transfer can be claimed from the time when it was given a unique number. Sent transfer can be paid to the recipient in any service system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" free of charge. The Bank accepts and reviews complaints from customers regarding the services of Coinstar Money Transfer system in an expeditious manner, and on the complaints received in writing, informs the applicant about the decision in accordance with existing regulations. Coinstar transfers cost in one and a half or two times cheaper than the Westren Union and MoneyGram. Transfer fee is paid by a person who carries out money transfer via Coinstar Money Transfer, and varies from country to country.

Poczta Polska -3449 Urzad Pocztowy Lichnowy, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Lichnowy, POLAND

Agent Contacts
Poczta Polska -3449 Urzad Pocztowy Lichnowy, Lichnowy ul. Tczewska 6. 82-224 Monday - Friday: 09:00-16:00
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