Money transfer agent locations

Sent transfer can be paid to the recipient in any service system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" free of charge. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number. Coinstar transfers cost in one and a half or two times cheaper than the Westren Union and MoneyGram. Coinstar Money Transfer System works via the Internet, as opposed to Western Union and MoneyGram, which for the money transfers information are using their own internal networks. Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. Coinstar Money Transfer limits the time during which the recipient must take its money. As a rule, it is about 30-40 days. Services "Coinstar Money Transfer" are available in more than 10,000 representative offices in 80 countries at affordable prices. Until June 1, 2007 the system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" was called "Travelex Money Transfer". On June 1, 2007 the system "Travelex Money Transfer" has been changed its name to "Coinstar Money Transfer". Transfer fee is paid by a person who carries out money transfer via Coinstar Money Transfer, and varies from country to country.

Poczta Polska -1790 FiliaUrzedu Pocztowego Z, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Brzeznica, POLAND

Agent Contacts
Poczta Polska -1790 FiliaUrzedu Pocztowego Z, Brzeznica ul. Zielonogórska 24A. 68-100 Monday - Friday: 09:20-14:50
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