Money transfer agent locations

Company SoftCase and Coinstar Money Transfer announce a joint venture, which has already started the production of automated banking offices. Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. The sender can also send free short text message, together with a remittance Coinstar Money Transfer. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number. Today "Coinstar Money Transfer" is recognized as the third system of remittances in the world in terms of network of agents and the number of participating countries. Money transfers via "Coinstar Money Transfer" guarantee confidence, speed and convenience. Coinstar Eurasia company has created a revolutionary technology to expand sales channels for participants in the insurance business. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: in case of return of the transfer, the commission is not returned to the sender.

CLSC - CLH Bocaue Br, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Bulacan, PHILIPPINES

Agent Contacts
CLSC - CLH Bocaue Br, Bulacan 29 2Nd St Biñang Bocaue Bulacan. 63-44- 6922322 M-S: 08:00 - 18:00; S: 08:30 - 16:00
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