Money transfer agent locations

The sender can also send free short text message, together with a remittance Coinstar Money Transfer. The company BSS together with the Company Coinstar Eurasia announced the establishment of a joint venture BSS Global. Until June 1, 2007 the system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" was called "Travelex Money Transfer". Client can add a remittance of Coinstar Money Transfer with a small message. This service provided free of charge by the system. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: in case of return of the transfer, the commission is not returned to the sender. Coinstar Money Transfer works as follows: The client has to come to the branch office of the agent bank, the money will be transferred in minutes.

Skye Bank - Kuto, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Abeokuta, NIGERIA

Agent Contacts
Skye Bank - Kuto, Abeokuta Kuto.
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