Company BPC and company Coinstar Money Transfer announced the implementation of innovative solution for the organization of intrabank and international money transfers for individuals - SmartVista MoneyTransfer. Money transfers by Coinstar Money Transfer - this product is designed to meet the latest technical solutions in the Internet - technologies that allows you to transfer money quickly, safely and cheaply. Advantages of Coinstar Money Transfer - transfer does not take more than the one hour, which allows almost immediate money transfers. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number. The company BSS together with the Company Coinstar Eurasia announced the establishment of a joint venture BSS Global. Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: the recipient does not incur any expenses. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: in case of return of the transfer, the commission is not returned to the sender. Coinstar Money Transfer works as follows: The client has to come to the branch office of the agent bank, the money will be transferred in minutes.
Agent | Contacts |
Banco Telecomm Telegrafos 446, San Jose Iturbide | Calle Allende No 6. 37980 |