Money transfer agent locations

System belongs to a very powerful financial corporations Coinstar, which is one of the world's developed processing companies and is engaged in addition to money transfers in travelers checks (Tomas Cook, and VISA), plastic cards, tax refunds and other financial services. The sender can also send free short text message, together with a remittance Coinstar Money Transfer. Low-cost technologies have allowed Coinstar Money Transfer to lower the cost of transfers. To send /receive money individuals are able at all offices of Coinstar Money Transfer worldwide. Money transfers via "Coinstar Money Transfer" guarantee confidence, speed and convenience. To date, Coinstar Money Transfer controls the agency network of more than 16,500 locations in more than 135 countries around the world. On June 1, 2007 the system "Travelex Money Transfer" has been changed its name to "Coinstar Money Transfer".

Banco Telecomm Telegrafos 769, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Los Reyes, MEXICO

Agent Contacts
Banco Telecomm Telegrafos 769, Los Reyes Calle Galeana No 25. 60300
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