Money transfer agent locations

Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. The system "Coinstar Money Transfer" allows to transfer money in U.S. dollars and Euro in most countries of the world. Until June 1, 2007 the system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" was called "Travelex Money Transfer". Coinstar Eurasia company has created a revolutionary technology to expand sales channels for participants in the insurance business. Coinstar Money Transfer works as follows: The client has to come to the branch office of the agent bank, the money will be transferred in minutes.

Bahrain Exchange Co - Hawally, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Hawally, KUWAIT

Agent Contacts
Bahrain Exchange Co - Hawally, Hawally Tunis Street. Hawally 009652662129 8:30am to 12.30pm & 4pm to 8pm
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