For customers, according to the company, transfers in the system of Coinstar Money Transfers on average by 10-15% cheaper than Western Union or MoneyGram. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number. Coinstar transfers cost in one and a half or two times cheaper than the Westren Union and MoneyGram. Coinstar Money Transfer System works via the Internet, as opposed to Western Union and MoneyGram, which for the money transfers information are using their own internal networks. Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. The system "Coinstar Money Transfer" allows to transfer money in U.S. dollars and Euro in most countries of the world. Today "Coinstar Money Transfer" is recognized as the third system of remittances in the world in terms of network of agents and the number of participating countries. Money transfers via "Coinstar Money Transfer" guarantee confidence, speed and convenience. Transfer fee is paid by a person who carries out money transfer via Coinstar Money Transfer, and varies from country to country.