Money transfer agent locations

System belongs to a very powerful financial corporations Coinstar, which is one of the world's developed processing companies and is engaged in addition to money transfers in travelers checks (Tomas Cook, and VISA), plastic cards, tax refunds and other financial services. The Bank accepts and reviews complaints from customers regarding the services of Coinstar Money Transfer system in an expeditious manner, and on the complaints received in writing, informs the applicant about the decision in accordance with existing regulations. The sender can also send free short text message, together with a remittance Coinstar Money Transfer. Coinstar Money Transfer system is similar to Western Union - and compares favorably by more advantageous prices and ease of processing of the transfer. Today "Coinstar Money Transfer" is recognized as the third system of remittances in the world in terms of network of agents and the number of participating countries. Transfer fee is paid by a person who carries out money transfer via Coinstar Money Transfer, and varies from country to country.

Muthoot Royal Exchange US 1265, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Cuddalore, INDIA

Agent Contacts
Muthoot Royal Exchange US 1265, Cuddalore KOOTHAPAKKAM Muthoot Finance Ltd No.87/37 Main Road. 607002 224295
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