Money transfer agent locations

System belongs to a very powerful financial corporations Coinstar, which is one of the world's developed processing companies and is engaged in addition to money transfers in travelers checks (Tomas Cook, and VISA), plastic cards, tax refunds and other financial services. Money transfer system Coinstar Money Transfer is the fastest growing company in the market of remittances. Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. Unclaimed for a year Coinstar money transfers are returned to the sender on request. Until June 1, 2007 the system of "Coinstar Money Transfer" was called "Travelex Money Transfer". The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: in case of return of the transfer, the commission is not returned to the sender.

BANCOMER GUATEMALA, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Col Xoco, GUATEMALA

Agent Contacts
BANCOMER GUATEMALA, Col Xoco Avenida Universidad 1200. 3339 01800 1122999
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