Money transfer agent locations

Company BPC and company Coinstar Money Transfer announced the implementation of innovative solution for the organization of intrabank and international money transfers for individuals - SmartVista MoneyTransfer. The Bank accepts and reviews complaints from customers regarding the services of Coinstar Money Transfer system in an expeditious manner, and on the complaints received in writing, informs the applicant about the decision in accordance with existing regulations. Money transfer system Coinstar Money Transfer is a fast-growing company in the market of remittances. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number. Coinstar transfers cost in one and a half or two times cheaper than the Westren Union and MoneyGram. Money transfers via Coinstar Money Transfer are made in U.S. dollars and Euro, without opening an account to the Client. Coinstar Money Transfer system is similar to Western Union - and compares favorably by more advantageous prices and ease of processing of the transfer. To send /receive money individuals are able at all offices of Coinstar Money Transfer worldwide. On June 1, 2007 the system "Travelex Money Transfer" has been changed its name to "Coinstar Money Transfer".

Coinstar Money Transfer (CMT) Locations Odiene, COTE DIVOIRE

Coinstar Money Transfer

Odiene, COTE DIVOIRE have 5 agent Coinstar Money Transfer (CMT) agent locations. All country.

The Bank accepts and reviews complaints from customers regarding the services of Coinstar Money Transfer system in an expeditious manner, and on the complaints received in writing, informs the applicant about the decision in accordance with existing regulations. The receiver produces to the bank the original of identification card and Coinstar money transfer control number.

Agent Contacts
Bromalah - Odienné, Odiene Axe principal du marché carrefour CDCI. (225) 33 70 96 90 Dim au Jeudi :08h30-16h00 non stop/Vend : 8h30-12
Bromalah - Odienné CFA, Odiene Axe principal du marché carrefour CDCI. (225) 33 70 96 90 Dim au Jeudi :08h30-16h00 non stop/Vend : 8h30-12
Cash Express - Odienne, Odiene Au Rond Point Quartier Mosquee. Batiment Voisin Au Batiment Biao. +225 33709880 Lundi au Vend :07h45-16h30 Samedi:08h30-13h30
Cash Express - Odienne CFA, Odiene Au Rond Point Quartier Mosquee. Batiment Voisin Au Batiment. +225 33709880 Lundi au Vend :07h45-16h30 Samedi:08h30-13h30
Craci - QashService - Odiénné, Odiene Quartier Commerce Face Station Mobile. 57 14 70 11 Mon - Fri : 08-17:00 /Sat :08:00-12:00

Send money

Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. The benefits of transfers via Coinstar Money Transfer: currency of money transfer - USD, RUB and EUR. Sale of insurance products in bank networks is possible due to the connecting of the insurance companies to the Integration processing system of Coinstar Money Transfer. Today "Coinstar Money Transfer" is recognized as the third system of remittances in the world in terms of network of agents and the number of participating countries. Money transfers via "Coinstar Money Transfer" guarantee confidence, speed and convenience. Coinstar Eurasia company has created a revolutionary technology to expand sales channels for participants in the insurance business.