Money transfer agent locations

Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. Coinstar Money Transfer System works via the Internet, as opposed to Western Union and MoneyGram, which for the money transfers information are using their own internal networks. Number of countries and service pointsof Coinstar Money Transfer is constantly increasing. Coinstar Money Transfer system is similar to Western Union - and compares favorably by more advantageous prices and ease of processing of the transfer. Services "Coinstar Money Transfer" are available in more than 10,000 representative offices in 80 countries at affordable prices.

CCB Sdzbbr Qilu Petrochemical SubBr Deposit, Coinstar Money Transfer Locations Zibo, CHINA

Agent Contacts
CCB Sdzbbr Qilu Petrochemical SubBr Deposit, Zibo No. 105 Qiyuan Rd. Linzi District. 255400 0533 7328660 Mon - Fri 0900 -1700
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