Coinstar Money Transfer ensures confidence, speed and convenience of money transfers. The benefits of remittances Coinstar Money Transfer: the recipient does not incur any expenses. Money transfers via Coinstar Money Transfer are made in U.S. dollars and Euro, without opening an account to the Client. The system "Coinstar Money Transfer" allows to transfer money in U.S. dollars and Euro in most countries of the world. To send /receive money individuals are able at all offices of Coinstar Money Transfer worldwide. Coinstar Eurasia company has created a revolutionary technology to expand sales channels for participants in the insurance business.
Agent | Contacts |
Coris Bank International - Koudougou, Koudougou | Avenue DREUXImmeuble Samba KEITA Centre Quest. 00226 50 44 07 25 Lun au Vend :07h30-17h30/Sam:8h-13h |