If during the week you won't visit the bank and won't take money, sent via RIA Money Transfer, put the sender aware of this and he will be able to instantly withdraw money back. When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free. RIA Envia is planning to develop its wired transfer service between the CIS countries (already connected to the bank systems of several countries). But for the present in these countries bank clients can only receive money transfers, sent from abroad via RIA Money Transfer. RIA Money Transfer Service is going to expand its network to the CIS countries. RIA was founded in 1987 and it is today is one of the largest money transfer company in the world, with a global agent network. Ria MoneyTransfer agent network includes over 10,000 branches in 74 countries, among which are almost all major countries from Europe (except Belgium), and America.
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RIA Envia is planning to develop its wired transfer service between the CIS countries (already connected to the bank systems of several countries). But for the present in these countries bank clients can only receive money transfers, sent from abroad via RIA Money Transfer. RIA Money Transfer Service is going to expand its network to the CIS countries. When sending money or receiving a payment via RIA Envia a client wants to open the bank account, such account is opened by for free.